Posted by Walt Matan, Chief Product Designer for Custom Jigs and Spins on Feb 14th 2024
Posted by Walt Matan, Chief Product Designer for Custom Jigs and Spins on Feb 14th 2024
This year Chekai is back with a vengeance! This Croatian Sensation has more new tungsten jig designs, is featured in new TV episodes, commercials and print ads and IF THAT IS NOT ENOUGH, has been working on a new line of ice fishing diapers for the older, discriminating gentleman fisherman.
Many folks see Chekai as offensive, loud, obnoxious and unintelligent, after interviewing him for this blog, I found him to be all of those things, plus a whole lot more!
Here are some excerpts from my recent long distance phone interview with this dynamic dynamo designer.
“Chekai, you are an inspiration to many ice fishermen...growing up in Lepoglava Croatia with no electricity, running water and only a volleyball named Wilson to keep you company, who were you inspired by?”
“Mr. James Bonsack, he was American that invent cigarette ins 1865. He also invent
cigarette-making machine. He create product that people need and machine to build it! He was true American Patriot and best businessman!”
“So how do you feel about your recent ice fishing contest victory over tournament angler Jacek Gawlinski? Some say you cheated and should not have accepted the trophy!”
“Chekai is now pleading 5th amendments, so you watching video yourself and you see Chekai #1 Fishing is champion!”
“When will the školjkasto sjedalo (bucket seat); the ice fisherman's diaper, be available to the American fishermen?”
“Ve are still doing leak tests here in Lepoglava, Croatia. So far, so goods!”
“All your tungsten lures have funny names, what do they mean?”
“Names is not funny, they is Croatian name that describe lure. First is Chekai jig, which is #1 Jig an name after Chekai, because is mine baby. Chekai Magnum is mine big baby for big fishes.
Majmun is means round-head, this one is good with plastic like Wedgee. JaJe mean it fly because jig look like fly and Glazba mean glass eye, because jig is have small glass diamond ons nose.
Tutso is name for small smelly minnow and Wolfinkee is like Ratfinkee made from Tungsten, but change spelling. So now you know everything, same as Chekai, which is nothing.”
“Is it true that you are no longer on speaking terms with Brian Brosdale?”
“Chekai and Bro having happy time together”
“Chekai posing in front of BRO-MOBILE in 2017”
“First, let me tell you “Chekai #1 Fishing, Go Chekai, Go!” Is my slogans. Mr. Bro think he is #1, so we have contest. Jus because he late to contest, is not Chekai problem.
So what if Chekai catch all fish while Bro is at gas station, not Chekai problem. I beat him square and fair.
Then Bro arrive on lake and run Chekai overs with tank truck, steal Chekai fish an dance around singing “Bro is #1, Go Bro, Go!” As far as Chekai concern, Bro is not mine Bro no more!”
“Not only are you in trouble with Bro with your pending lawsuit, but it seems that you have done some hard time in a Naytahwaush Minnesota jail after bribing DNR officer Charlotte Johnson!”
At that point Chekai used language that cannot be written in this blog and slammed the phone down in disgust!
End of Interview.
“Things are so bad for Chekai that Croatian Airlines is protesting his arrival”